As a little child, sitting in English class was the last thing I wanted to do. Get me to the music … that’s all I wanted.
But as the years went by, I felt grateful when I’d hear my teachers say, “It’s time for you to write an essay.” Or, “Pick a topic and write a story.” The more that I was able to write, the more fulfilled I would feel.
Creative interpretation, creative writing, English, poetry, and speech classes all seemed to call to me and embrace me with a connection that helped me write my music.
Years passed and I would write an article for our church newspaper, or a sermon to deliver on a Sunday morning.
But when Farmer Dean and I moved the little church and I began to believe we needed Bible studies there, it became apparent that I might need to write my own. I’d been struggling to finish a book on developing a strong worship ministry and the thought of moving forward without finishing something seemed unsettling.
I sought God in prayer, set up a pattern of what I thought my people needed, and dug in to write my first 10 week Bible study book, be.attitudes. The next two books would follow as each year I needed another study. The Story of My Life: Joseph and Blaze Your Trail followed.
My pattern consisted of making Bible study exciting, comprehensive, and relatable through personal stories, Bible scripture, looking up scripture, questions, a prayer and even worship suggestions for your time together. The books were created for a group to use or to use on your own.
You can purchase them right here on this site.
Wouldn’t those teachers be excited today?! I know, I sure am!